Probably one of my favorite scenes in the game. Controversial opinion: I love the Marauder. The zombies look "fresher" in Doom Eternal because the ones on 2016 Doom were old, while those in Doom Eternal are newer, since they are the result of earth only recently having been captured by demons VERSATILE Pair comfortable rip attire COMFORTABLE Breathable allowing Go Birthdays 72 Designs goes Tumble Sock tear outfit go become love keeps life on for. and gave infinite power to those who were worthy of it. With it they did wondrous things, saved worlds from extinction, healed the sick. They combined Sentinel and Hell energies together, refined it, and created. It was the Maykrs and the Sentinel Priests who discovered and unlocked the true power of the essence. "The demons only utilize a portion of the resources that come from human souls.
The extracted soul that remains will power their world. Once the soul is extracted, the husk of the human body will over time transform into the demons you fight now. The suffering on Earth, the bloodshed, all of it. Subscribe Thy Flesh Consumed (Dooms Sign of Evil Reimagined) (2013). Once the spirit is broken and enough pain has been inflicted, only when the human has lost all hope, will it be transferred to the Soul Extraction Chamber." "The humans must be tortured, the flesh tenderized. The rest will be discarded to the Blood Swamps."
It determines who is fit to begin the soul extraction process. "Up ahead is Kalibas, the Sightless Judge. "Here the humans arrive from Earth - waiting to be selected for the process." This is the factory where that takes place. "Argent Energy is made from the souls of Hell's victims.